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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children
Youngster misuse is characterized by the U.S. Branch of Health and Human Services as being, Any ongoing demonstration or inability to follow up on the piece of a parent or overseer which brings about death, genuine physical or passionate mischief, sexual maltreatment or misuse; or A demonstration or inability to act which presents a fast approaching danger of genuine harm.(Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect 2015). Kid misuse is a developing social issue which brings about the demise of around 2,000 youngsters every year. In only one day five kids will pass on from misuse or disregard. Indeed at regular intervals another youngster is mishandled in the United States. The way that such a significant number of youngsters are being mishandled and might be slaughtered by this maltreatment is critical, yet it is additionally imperative to understand that there are unfavorable impacts that the maltreatment may have on a kid ten or after twelve years. The maltreatment that a kid supports may influence individuals in totally different manners, yet kid misuse has never and will never positively affect a youngster sometime down the road. A kid that goes untreated for having been manhandled has an improved probability of capture for a fierce wrongdoing than that of everyone by thirty eight percent. Kids that have been manhandled have been found to have a more noteworthy possibility of misconduct and an existence of wrongdoing. Casualties of kid misuse have been demonstrated to be more in danger than individuals of everyone for antagonistic individual and get-togethers sometime down the road. Since there are such a large number of contrary impacts that kid misuse has on individuals further down the road, there must be ways for individuals to talk about their issues and have others' recommendation who have encountered comparable maltreatment in their life. One manner by which individuals may feel good talking about their past maltreatment is on-line on the World Wide Web. They can expound on their encounters and get criticism from individuals with comparable issues. Individuals recount to their own accounts of the maltreatment that they continued as kids and the negative impacts that it has had on their life as grown-ups. A significant number of the narratives talk about manners by which a kid misuse, for example, sexual maltreatment, has influenced their lives as grown-ups in their associations with individuals of the other gender. Anybody can jump on-line and recount to their biography of misuse whether it be sexual, physical, or mental.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critiquing Historical Analysis of Classmate - Subject- Atomic Bomb Assignment
Studying Historical Analysis of Classmate - Subject-Atomic Bomb - Assignment Example The commentator asserts that the possibility of the nuclear bomb came to presence during WWII. This was after President Roosevelt proposed that it was distinctly through it that the country would accomplish triumph against its adversaries (Truman, 2014). As indicated by the commentator, the nuclear bomb episode is as yet questionable to date. This is clear by the enormous number of Non-western just as European history specialists who are as yet attempting to dissect the nuclear bomb issue. Since this is a historiography, the analyst starts of by characterizing the term. As indicated by contemplates, the term historiography typically alludes to the examining of the history behind the historical backdrop of an occasion. The analyst sorted out the work in a sequential request, thus making it simple to understand the whole theme. This is on the grounds that in the wake of expressing that she would break down crafted by four students of history, in the accompanying sections, she discusses various creators corresponding to their recognitions to the extent the issue of the nuclear bomb is concerned. To start with, the analyst discusses Kayoko Yoshida’s article, From Atomic Fragments to Memories of the Trinity Bomb: A Bridge of Oral History over the Pacific. Kayoko, aside from investigating the significance behind trans-media, he additionally examinations the transnational coordinated efforts behind the nuclear bomb (Yoshida, 2003). In a transition to get firsthand data concerning the issue of the nuclear bomb, aside from meeting narrative creators, he additionally includes his understudies; this was in a transition to get various recognitions on how the Japanese people group saw the nuclear bomb i ssue. The explanation with regards to why Kayako includes various sources in his examination is because of the observation that history specialists should have strong proof so as to help their cases. In his article, aside from tending to a movie producer whose goal is to remember the history, he additionally asserts that numerous Japanese understudies in the present age do not understand at all on the purpose for the
Monday, August 17, 2020
Best Book Blogs for Avid Readers
Best Book Blogs for Avid Readers For those of us lost in the world of fiction, the question will always be, What should I read next? To that end, we search the depths of second-hand bookstores. We scour our local libraries, or the Amazon best-seller list and recommended purchases. We do this not simply to find a book that we will enjoy, but almost always to find a novel which strikes the same spark in our heart as the last masterpiece (the one which has now been read so often and so thoroughly that the pages have come loose in their binding).To that end, Silent Book Club, Bookanista and Book Smugglers are here to help. These three websites scratch the itch of the endlessly-reading reader; and they provide more than just a blog â€" they provide a cozy community of fellow readers.Silent Book ClubSilent Book Club is a website for readers like us (often introverted, sometimes too introverted) to come together and discuss their current favorite novels, and to find the next piece of fiction that really blows us away. The website boasts more than thirty active chapters, from London, England to Nagoya, Japan, which come together (usually monthly) to discuss their latest read. Silent Book Club has an active Facebook group, and they post regularly on Instagram and Twitter.For those of us with our fingers on the pulse of the book world, Silent Book Clubs use of social media is indispensable. It keeps its readers up to date on events, meetups and attractions in the world of reading and publishing. Still, the book club is growing, and though it has already stretched worldwide, the presence of a chapter in your hometown might be lacking. No matter! Silent Book Club will help you set up your own official chapter, and help you create a new tradition (your own personal meetup) in your neighborhood.This all seems too good to be true, and of course, cynical minds immediately begin whirring: we ask questions about where the site finds its profits, or what supports this community. The answer is that they run a sma ll merchandise shop, and those proceeds go toward supporting volunteers, which keep the whole community running smoothly. Its a cute little e-shop with a selection of kitschy bookmarks, postcards and handbags (and, of course, the occasional book).Other than these optional purchases to support the community, all the services offered by the silent book club are free of charge. In fact, without even submitting an e-mail address, you can browse their calendar of meetups and find the one nearest you. This great community provides the opportunity, without commitment, for us to crawl out of our favorite arm-chair (the one we sunk into years ago and have now fortified with a particular side-table for our tea, an arm upon which the cat perches, and a bag at the side filled with knitting projects).On top of this call to action, to bring us out to the meetups, the silent book club boasts a warm blog: a welcome resource for readers. Each article is written by volunteers from the various silent book club chapters, and if you start your own chapter, then you can contribute to the blog yourself. Though often insightful, because of the volunteer nature of the contributions, updates are sporadic â€" sometimes they come too fast to keep up with, and other times lag to only a single update each month. Still, when the articles are posted, they offer unique insight into the author of the post, and that writers book club.One recent article, written by the organizer of the Portland, Maine chapter, gives a wonderful overview of influential poets throughout the years. It was written for poetry month and includes excerpts by which to judge each of the poets, and gauge ones interest before delving more deeply into their works.Most articles discuss comfortable topics like what to read next and offer insightful critiques written on new works of fiction. Others delve into matters of political interest, in the reading and writing world. For example, a short series of posts called Read the W orld, gives details about historical publishing in nations and geographic areas, and suggests where one might begin if they want to explore the fiction of a certain area. Further still, other posts discuss the rise of audiobooks, and their place in the silent book club; they give details on how to host your own silent book club, and what makes the meetups successful. Other articles address the We Will Not Be Silent campaign, which offers a toolbox to activists, as well as hard-hitting subjects such as the effect of literature on children and on developing minds.Finally, I have personally found Silent Book Clubs presence on Facebook to be incredibly beneficial. The core Facebook group @silentbookclub is one resource: it offers updates on all the events which the silent book club promotes, and it helps us introverts look ahead to getting out of the house (and plan out our busy week so we can make time for the meetups); it brings book news like releases and author interviews convenient ly into our Facebook feed; and it gives the opportunity (without being pushy) to participate in demonstrations or political activism.Beyond this core group, however, are a network of smaller silent book club groups, one for each chapter. These are usually beyond amazing. Just by making a quick search in Facebook, I stumbled on three silent book club chapters, all with very active Facebook groups. One was in my home city, and each of the other two were within quick driving distance. These sub-communities are the result of the natural branching and expanding of a good idea. Like a good book, readers know that a good idea should be shared.BookanistaThe writers at Bookanista.com refer to their site as a web magazine (as opposed to a blog). This professional demeanour isnt simply a pretentious grab for new readers: their posts are closer to scholarly journal entries than the topical discussions of many bloggers, and they take a deep dive into each discussion.That being said, its less lik ely that youll find a new read in a quick skim of Bookanista. The themes and discussions on the site are often much wider, addressing issues of mental illness and gender in novels, and delving into ideas such as ambiguity in writing, and the pitfalls of considering everyone who writes a poem, a poet. With an archive stretching back to 2015, and an extensive collection of short stories and extracts, Bookanista has content to spare. There is bound to be something on the site which snags any readaholics imagination, and because of their reputation, Bookanista is often one of the first sites to get review copies and exclusive excerpts from new authors.Similarly, if you are the kind of reader who devours all the works of an author before moving on, but youve run out of your favorite writers works, then Bookanista might be able to find you a new literary love. Their author interviews are a source of insight into the latest trends in publishing and up-coming novels. They often obscure the work itself in favor of addressing the authors method, or their stylistic choices. Rather than attempt to describe the works of each author, they let the novels and short stories speak for themselves, publishing short pieces of fiction alongside interviews and articles. Everything on Bookanista is free, and well worth a look.The Book SmugglersTheBookSmugglers.com describe themselves as, A book review blog specializing in speculative fiction and popgeekery for all ages since 2008; A digital-first publisher of speculative fiction and nonfiction since 2014; the 2017 Hugo Nominee for best Semiprozine; and a duo of awesomely badass book nerds. Their blog posts focus on new works, but especially science fiction and fantasy. For those looking for their next great read, their current headlining article is a piece called X Marks the Story, which seeks to pair the reader with excellent short fiction, to hopefully bridge the gap between great novels.On top of their blog, the book smugglers are a publishing house with a focus on digital press. They offer book reviews for newly published novels, and support authors by showing off full and partial works on their site, in addition to longer works published by the book smuggler online imprint.Like Bookanista, the book smugglers host a collection of short fiction on their site in a section called Gods and Monsters. This section is worth a quick look, and if you are a fantasy or science fiction buff, it warrants a much longer look. The short stories included in Gods and Monsters are each written by different authors, but always play with similar themes. From religion, to humanity, to serial killers or werewolves, each story is focussed on gods and monsters, either literally or figuratively (or both). Just a quick glance at this portion of the site will find you in the company of dozens of well-polished, professionally edited shorter fictions.The wider communityThe blogs discussed here are not where these communities end. Silent book club, Bookanista and The Book Smugglers have a network of readers which place an emphasis on doing. Each of these sites is concerned with getting out of your chair and making change alongside like-minded individuals â€" or just on getting out of the house and swapping books with new friends. To this end, Silent Book Club is anything but silent within the Twitterverse. They have cultivated a massive network of friendships, bringing together dozens of sites, each with a similar attitude towards reading. Each of these three excellent blogs boast very active Twitter handles. Silent Book Club at @readwinerepeat, @bookanista, and @booksmugglers bring together a wealth of related content and inspiring images. Browsing through their combined Twitter profiles is a sure method to link a reader to a community in their geographic area, or a cause which interests them and brings them out of their shell. We all have something which gets us fired up and out of the house, and these communitie s provide valuable links to those places and people which help to establish communities of readers.In short, reading can be isolating, but it can also be the bridge of shared experience that brings like-minded individuals together in service of a cause, or to discuss the matters which are important to us. Getting out of our arm chair may be a bit uncomfortable, but so long as it means a quiet read, with those who had to struggle out of their own comfy armchair; and as long as it means a glass of good wine, and the presence of good companions; as long as the silent book club, Bookanista and the book smugglers are asking these things of us, I think we can find some time to meet in the real world (or at the very least on twitter), even if it is only to discuss the fictional worlds we love.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
George Washington s Accomplishments, His Failures, And...
George Washington as President In 1789, an event that would change and mark the start of using something new was the inauguration for the United States 1st president. Everyone in America celebrated this event because it had finally made us feel like we had things in order and our government was progressing. George Washington was too fond of the idea of being president, but the public summons him to become president. In this paper I going to discuss George Washington’s accomplishments, his failures, and how it effected the federalist. George Washington must have had some idea of how to run a country and keep everyone together if the public begged and pleaded for him to run a president. To build up accreditation, in 1748 around the age of sixteen Washington joined the army of the U.S., he was sent to assess what the strategy the French had used to capture the Ohio River Valley. Another great achievement of Washington was that he was able to be elected to run in office for the second time in 1793. Washington was becoming irritated and refused to run a third term and assured that he would not. Once Washington was in office he organized the very first United States Cabinet and the Executive Branch. His first cabinet included Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State, Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of Treasury, Henry Know as Secretary of War, and Edmund Randolph as Attorney General. The formation of the United States federal judiciary system was even done by Washington. GeorgeShow MoreRelatedExploring Corporate Strateg y - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pages22/10/2007 11:54 Page 599 Guide to using the case studies The main text of this book includes 87 short illustrations and 15 case examples which have been chosen to enlarge speciï ¬ c issues in the text and/or provide practical examples of how business and public sector organisations are managing strategic issues. The case studies which follow allow the reader to extend this linking of theory and practice further by analysing the strategic issues of speciï ¬ c organisations in much greater depth
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Effects of Media on Communication - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1160 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2018/12/17 Category Media Essay Type Research paper Level High school Tags: Television Essay Did you like this example? The way in which people interact with mass media play a significant role in shaping the language they use when communicating. In the context of my writing my speech, I will refer to a primary source 10 ways television has changed the way we talk. The task in consideration will explore the nature of the course though presenting views on the effects of television and mass media on the way people communicate. To be in a position of exploring the quality of the course in a detailed manner, positive and negative impacts of television sets and way people communicate will be reflected in the speech. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Effects of Media on Communication" essay for you Create order Specifically, the speech is aimed at addressing the whole world at large, but precisely the conversation will refer to people who spend most of their time listening to new rappers as they play a significant role in making the artist prevail in the modern society. Logically the speech will connect the effects of media on language. Though defining the impacts of media on language, the speech will serve as a platform in which people can shape their language skills. Effects of media on language Media plays a significant role in developing the language that people use to communicate with each other. Human beings are adaptive implying that they have a tendency of adapting to their immediate environment and things taking place around them. The life that many people lead in California is engulfed with spending most of their time watching television. The television sets air music of the upcoming artist, which in most cases does not have an appealing message to the audience. Having noted that the music played on the television sets does not contain a positive message on the audience, it will be advisable for people to stop listening and encouraging upcoming rap artists, instead, they should be listening to rap that has real meaning. A good number of rappers in the current world are composing rap music that is campaigning for drug use, guns and high life. The language used to address the noted society features is in most cases vulgar language. Frequent listening to music composed in a vulgar language makes the listener of the music start communicating with the same language used in the music. The overall effect of listening to current rap music is that the affected people will develop a tendency of communicating using the same language they get exposed to in the music they listen. Even though listening to such rap music is associated with negative implication to the members of the society, it can contribute to high levels of appreciation of modern form communication thus not all rap music should be shunned from the society. Having stipulated the direction in which rap music can take the society in the current world, it serves great importance mention that the major objective of the speech is convincing people all over the world to have a better direction of choosing what type rap music they listen or watch from their television sets. As noted in the introduction section of the essay human beings are social beings who tend to adopt a life the kind of life of activities that are currently taking place around them. Frequent watching the television subject an individual to facing various communications improvements that are associated with both negative and positive effects on the individual in question. Together with the noted effects of rap music on communication, when exposed to frequent watching the television sees to it that a change of the way people use communication devices in the process of presenting their speech to the audience. A survey conducted on effects of television sets on language ind icates that TV was having negative impact on young people by making them adapt use a foul language when communicating. With the growth of technology, people are being introduced to jargon language that has in turn messed up the way in which communication in the current society is taking shape. It calls for an individual to be conversant with the utilization of Jargon language for him or her to fit in the current world of communication. Many people hold the belief that TV makes people sound the same. The ideology, however, holds no validity in that different television presenters make use of various speech patterns and dialects forms (John, n.p). Despite the facts that television makes people adapt varying communication methods, television does play a role defining how words and expressions become part of our dictionary. Frequent utilization of certain words in television makes people develop an insight of the definite meaning of the word thus aiding in improving the usage of the vocabulary in the sense of communicating. Together with the issue of television affecting communication in a social setting, other aspects play a significant role shaping the way people communicate. Specifically, culture and context play a significant role in shaping language and meaning. Starting with cultural aspects, it can be argued that under certain beliefs, an individual can choose to use a specific type of communicating devices that cannot be used to address a different cultural group. For instance, there is some form of communication that an individual cannot use to address elderly people in society while the same communication type can be used to address another audience effectively. On the other hand, the context in which an individual communicate defines clear stipulations of what direction communication will take (Cai, Shaohan Minjoon Jun, p.15). In context, it is vital mentioning that the circumstances in which a message is delivered play a vital role in defining the way in which a speaker presents his speech to the audience. For instance, while addressing an audience of teens, it is advisable to utilize the words that the teens like using. Using such a tactic makes the youth feel appreciated thus their attention is ensured though out the communication. Media has played a significant role in shaping the way in which people communicate. The effect on press on communications bears both negative and positive implications on the society. Some of the most conspicuous ways in which the media has affected the way people communicate are introducing slang language, improving the language people use, there has been the introduction of acronyms that have in turn facilitated the way in which people compose short-form writing. The presented facts depicts that media has played a significant role in shaping the way in which people communicate by either introducing new ideologies or demoting the process of communication. Even though the mass media has played the stipulated roles in seeing to it improved communication, some forms of media should be decided wisely since they introduce negative implications on the way people communicate. Works Cited Cai, Shaohan, and Minjoon Jun. Relationship between Information Richness and Exchange Outcomes: Moderating Effects of Media Richness and Governance Mechanisms. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM) 8.1 (2015): 1-21. John Perritan. 10 Ways Television Has Changed The Way We Talk
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Key Logistics Activities and Technologies Related to Logistics Free Essays
string(30) " an inventory control system\." Introduction Logistics play a major role in our life. Most of the people might not be aware of the importance of logistics until there are problems appear. Under the pressure of arising competitive environment, most of the business entities are initiated to focus on the development of logistics. We will write a custom essay sample on Key Logistics Activities and Technologies Related to Logistics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Logistics can be said as the transfers of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumptions effectively and efficiently in order to meet the requirement of the customers (Logistics World, n. d. ). Logistics include the distributions of raw materials, in-progress inventories, finished goods and other related information. Successful logistics enable the business entities to deliver the goods and services consistently to the correct customers on time. Based on the question given, I do not agree with the statements saying that ‘logistics is nothing more than getting goods from one point to another’. Logistics covered much more aspects and involved a lot other activities other than what the statement above mentioned. There are still many different types of activities in logistics such as customer services, inventory management, material handling and packaging, order processing, procurement and et cetera. On the other hand, in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of logistics management, a variety of solutions and technology advancements had been introduced to the business market. The literature below will review the other activities and the technologies improvement for logistics (Stock Lambert, 2000). Key logistics activities One of the activities involved in logistics is the customer service. Stock Lambert (2000) stated customer service is â€Å"a customer oriented philosophy that integrates and manages all elements of the customer interface within a predetermined optimum cost-service mix†(p. 4). To design a logistics system, companies should always start with setting a strong and clear customer service objective. Without having a common objective for everyone in the company, decisions about order strategies, production, transportation, inventory investment, and warehousing will not be consistent and effective. Customer service objective acts as guidelines for the logistics managers in setting up targets of their performance as well as making decisions when they encounter problems in the future. Logistics play an important role in ensuring high customer satisfaction. Getting the right product to the customers under the right condition, at the right place and the right time, as well as with the right cost are the main criteria for achieving a high customer satisfaction (Stock Lambert, 2000). For example, Kraft Foods Incorporate make sure their customers get the right products they ordered at the right time and right place regardless of whether the customers are at the hypermarket in France or a cafe in Sweden (Kraft Foods, n. . ). Other that the five rights, excellent customer services also need to make sure the order and return processes are convenient to customers. The company needs to provide accurate and consistent information to customer by selling the products and services that are worth for the price. Lastly, they need to deliver the products and services on time. By providing the best customer service and fulfilling all the five ‘right’ criteria, company will be able create higher customer satisfaction and therefore gaining competitive advantage. When customers are satisfied with the products and services provided by company, they will most likely become the loyal customers and support the products and services from the company in long term scenario (Stock Lambert, 2000). Besides that, Banning Gibson indicate loyal customers can act as one of the advertising medium by conveying positive messages and comments to their friends and family (Banning Gibson, n. d. ). In that way, the market share and profitability of the company will increase and at the same time the total costs of logistics also will reduce. Other than that, inventory management is also one of the activities under logistics. In the industries now, most of the company will hold inventory to achieve economies of scale. Company usually purchase and transport all inventory at once to reduce their cost. This is because purchase in a huge amount will reduce the cost of per-unit price while having a full truckload shipment will reduce the cost of per-unit transportation. Then, company will also choose to have a greater plant capacity so that the per-unit manufacturing cost will be lower. However, holding inventory contributed a significant amount of expenses to the companies due to high storage costs, capital cost, service cost, risk cost, and some of the product can be obsolescence in short time. Therefore, the company might try to minimize the expenses by reducing the amount of inventory without interrupting the flow of the products to the customers. Since there is conflict between economies of scale with handling and warehousing costs, companies need to find a suitable way to balance of these two criteria. For instances, company can use Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) to determine the best amount of inventory to order (Stock Lambert, 2000). The objective of every inventory planner is controlling the inventory they hold to meet the exact amount of customers’ demand. This is because either excess or shortage of inventory will bring up significant costs to the business affecting the operation and opportunities of the business (Management Study Guide, n. d. ). In addition to that, raw materials and parts, work-in-process, and finished goods inventories are required to be considered. These inventories require sufficient physical space, capital, and personnel time to maintain and pile up. A successful inventory management will determine the amount of inventory necessitate to meet the demand of customers and at the same time consider the costs needed to put in the logistic activities. Besides that, excellent inventory management can increase the cash flow and return on investment. Nowadays, many companies start paying more attention to inventory control especially on the products that can become obsolete in short time, such as high-tech merchandise, automobiles, and seasonal goods (Stock Lambert, 2000). For example, in April 2005, Mazda Motor Corporation comes out with its Mazda Materials Management Planning (M3P) which is an inventory control system. You read "Key Logistics Activities and Technologies Related to Logistics" in category "Essay examples" The system of M3P improved inventory levels, enhanced the speed of supply, and ensure the Mazda’s retail and service operations are smooth all the time. Other than that, M3P also brings benefits to customer such as providing better customer service and shorten the length of responding time (Mazda, 2005). Furthermore, logistics need to take care of the material handling and packaging in the company. Material handling takes part in managing the flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, and finished goods inside a warehouse. The costs of firm will increase for each and every item handled. Since handling the item will not increase the value of a product but incur more costs to the company, company should always try to reduce the number of material handling wherever possible by decreasing the inventory. Then, materials handling design the plan to reduce distance travelled of the materials and minimize the work-in-process of the materials. Other than that, material handling makes sure the materials can flow through the process consistently without having troubles. Lastly, material handling will find ways to decrease the possibility of getting losses from breakage, waste and spoilage (Stock Lambert, 2000). On the other hand, packaging is the process of getting the container and wrapper to hold the products (Reference for Business, n. d. ). In logistics aspect, packaging of the products can act as a barrier to prevent the products from getting damaged during transportation of the products or storing the products. Furthermore, product with appropriate packaging is easier to be move or store. However, packaging will add up space and weights subsequently incur more cost. Thus, many people in this area always spend time in thinking ways to reduce to space and weight of the products after packaging (Stock Lambert, 2000). A successful packaging strategy can help a firm to strengthen its competitive advantages such as optimizes service, cost, and become more convenient (Learn Marketing, n. d. ). When a product go international, the packaging will becomes more important to a company. The products are required to travel more distances and need more physically handling if compare to domestic packaging (Stock Lambert, 2000). Additionally, order processing is taken to account when discussing about the activities of logistics. Order processing is the process or work flow that starts with the receipt order from customer, followed by verifying the order status and communicate about the order with customer, while lastly making order and ensure the availability of the products to satisfy customer’s needs (Jetef, n. d. ). Order processing can divide into three groups. The first group is the operational elements, including order shipping, setting preparation, order entry, scheduling, and invoicing. Next group is the communication elements, for example, order status inquiries, order modification, error correction, tracing and expediting, and product information requests. The last group of order processing is the credit and collection elements, such as accounts receivable processing and credit checking. The quality and speed of the information flow provided by company during the order processing to their customers can affect the cost and the efficiency of the entire operation. If the information flows are slow and erratic, the company will not only suffer from decreasing in customer, but also increasing transportation, inventory, and warehousing costs. The faster and more accurate the service the company can provide, the greater the customers satisfaction obtained by the company. Information system today can help in order processing by making the time of order processing to become shorter between order placement and product shipment. For example, customers’ order can be placed and sent to the company’s computer directly by using electronic data interchange (EDI). Decision support system (DSS), quick response (QR), efficient consumer response (ECR) and et cetera are other information system that can help the company to improve order processing and achieve customer service goals at competitive cost. Information system not only helps company to improve its speed, quality, and accuracy of order processing, but also help company to save some logistics expenses like transportation and inventory while boosting up the sales (Stock Lambert, 2000). Finally, the last activity of logistics that this literature will discuss is procurement. Procurement is the effective purchasing of goods and services to make sure the manufacturing and logistics processes of the firm are run in effectiveness. In order for the company to ensure them to obtain the supplies that can meet their requirement in terms of time, location, quality and quantity, the company is required to procure suitable goods and services (Procurement, n. d. ). The procurement function includes supplier selection, determination of the form of material to acquire, purchasing time, pricing and quality control. According to WiseGEEK, while â€Å"procurement logistics are the processes used in the delivery, receipt, movement and storage of materials purchased for a business or organization†. The goals of procurement are to minimize the costs at the same time increase the service provided (WiseGEEK, n. d. ). In the purchasing process, the most important task is to choose the best supplier from all the potential vendors. The purchasing process is complicated. Decision makers and decision influencers from decision making unit (DMU) need to go through twelve steps of buying process when purchasing items from supplier. If company is doing routine buying, then some of the steps can be skipped (Stock Lambert, 2000). When making purchasing decision, DMU also need to consider the number of orders, lead time requirements, delivery expectations, product reliability, drop-off locations and others. All of the final price of products should be including transportation and storage cost. Company can usually try to minimize these hidden costs by requesting just-in-time delivery from supplier (WiseGEEK, n. d. ). In short, paying enough attention o the management of purchasing cost as well as the evaluation of purchasing performance can lead to increasing profitability of a company (Stock Lambert, 2000). Technologies related to logistics Due to an increase in attention paid on the logistics, experts started to develop more and more ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of logistics through acquiring the technologies. One of the most significant improvements made by technology is the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (Stock Lambert, 2000). EDI is the exchange of business messages and information through computers of the trading partners via communication cables with standard protocols and standard data formats (EasyLink Services, n. d. ). For example, EDI can be used when there are purchase orders. Organizations are able to make a purchase order with their suppliers through computers. EDI is more convenient for the organizations as the usage of internet are more and more common (Stock Lambert, 2000). According to GXS, there are a few advantages of using EDI in logistics. EDI will transform most of the paper works into electronic base. Many of the procedures can be done automatically and quickly through the advancement of technologies. Therefore, the time taken to complete the process will be reduces significantly. It promotes the efficiency of the organizations which leads to the increase of productivity. Besides, EDI replaced human to key in the data of the organizations routinely. When there are less human works, the probability of getting error in data entry will be reduced drastically or even eradicated. Furthermore, the data transferred among the computers are using the standard and same formats. This ensures that the data transferred to the receivers will be analyzed accurately and correctly. Thus, the communication error between the sender and receiver is diminished. The diminished in error will subsequently raise the efficiency of the organizations as well since there are less likely for the organizations to repeat the procedures and make corrections on the mistakes (GXS, n. d. ). In addition to that, EDI can also increase the accuracy of inventory and reduce the cycle time and thus reduce the cost of inventory. In such, EDI increases the productivity while reducing the costs as well. With the development of the internet, EDI is free if it flows through the internet instead of VAN. Many major companies such as NASA Goddard, UNISYS and AVEX Electronics are now using EDI supported by the internet (Stock Lambert, 2000). Bar coding is another technology advancement that contributes to the improvement of logistics. Bar coding are commonly use in our daily life such as the products in supermarket. Bar codes are a row of parallel bars distanced with a number of gaps with different width. They able to convey different messages in the form of letters, numbers and special characters based on the array of gaps between the bars. A beam of light is used to interpret the information of the bar codes and sent it to the computers. These codes are used mainly on tracking and security purposes. They are important in decreasing the probability of errors compare to key in the information manually. Statistics showed that the bar codes error rate is one out of hundred thousand while the error rate of manually key in data is one out of thirty. It had clearly showed that the error rate had been improved significantly (Stock Lambert, 2000). In relation to the bar codes, as said by Lyne, Quick Respond (QR) codes from Japan are also introduced to the society. QR codes is a two dimensional barcodes that normally stored with specific links contained with extra information. QR codes are named because it can be scanned quickly even with the smart phones that installed with QR codes reader. It is convenient for the consumers to obtain certain information about the products since it does not required a specific code reader device just like that bar code reader. Furthermore, QR codes able to store more variety of information instead of letters, numbers and special characters only such as url links and geo coordinates. QR codes are enable the customer to know about the product details, contact details, coupons or event a link to YouTube video for further information (Lyne, 2009). For instance, the product code, manufacturing history, expiration date and other data can be encoded in the QR codes. Coca-cola had used this feature in their logistics management at Chukyo. They are able to check for the quality and track the products easily using QR codes (Sundaramurthy, n. d. ). Management Information System (MIS) is also one of the technologies used to improve logistics. A successful MIS is able to provide sufficient and relevant information for the managers in order to make an effective decision. There are five areas that MIS need to fulfil which are the timing, accuracy, relevance, completeness and consistency (Office of the Comptroller of Currency, 1995). MIS should be able to provide the latest and current information using the shortest time. The information collected should be checked buy auditors as well as ensuring the information is useful. Unwanted information need to be filtered and the relevant information need to be summarize completely. Lastly, the method in processing and compiling the information need to be consistent so that the manager will not misunderstand the information. MIS is important in logistics for collecting, analyzing and interpreting the information from various aspects such as the suppliers, resources, transportation and so on. MIS can make sure there is no interruption n the supply chain. A well managed MIS allowed the organizations to control every detail in different region in a faster time (Stock Lambert, 2000). In real example, World Health Organization need to have an uninterrupted supply of drugs through the supply chain to ensure the increasing number of HIV/AIDS patients are able to get their treatment (World Health Organization, n. d. ). How to cite Key Logistics Activities and Technologies Related to Logistics, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Public Versus Private Education in Primary †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Public Versus Private Education in Primary. Answer: Introduction Private schools are the independent schools that are not aided by the government and are funded totally by the students. There are some private schools, where a student might get access to education free of cost, but that mainly depend on the academic excellence of the individual students (Ruban 2012). In this paper a literature review has been provided exploring about different private schools across the world and why the Emirati families choose to send their children to private schools. According to Ball (2017) government schools do not provide special facilities to the students in terms of education. Government schools sometimes do not have proper laboratory facilities for the science students. Since, government has to fund the entire spending for the school; all the aspects related to the infrastructure and advanced facilities might not be addressed. Since government have to aid a large number of schools it becomes very difficult for them to reach the perfection. Furthermore, government schools provide education to different classes of people irrespective of the socio economic status of the students (Klugman 2012). Students coming from wealthier families might not find it suitable to mix up with the students coming from low socio economic background, which leads the parents to admit their children in the private schools. Each and every parent want that their children to get the best, including success, safety, healthcare and love. Most of these parameters are based on good education. As per the bureau of Labor statistics, graduation rate is inversely proportional to the murder and the assaults rate. Education can be perceived both from government funded institutions or private institutions. Nowadays the education is not cheap. According to the reports by Hvidman and Andersen (2013) public college education costs nearly $100, 00 for a student who are likely to attend public schools. In spite of the increasing amount of financial burden, people are daunting towards the private schools with the hope of getting advanced education. Iqbal (2012) has argued that there is not much difference between the academic levels of the government schools and the private schools and has also cited examples that the eight grade math and the fourth grade readings were just a wash. According to Klugman (2012) most of the effects of the private school education are influenced by the family decisions and motivations. According to Lubienski and Lubienski (2013) families of the students studying in the public schools can at least question the authorities regarding the licensing and the certification of the teachers, as most of the teachers are appointed on the basis of a level of teaching quality, whereas in the private schools there are no such rules regarding the appointment of the teachers (Lubienski and Lubienski 2013). Private schools in the UAE Most of the Emirati schools are bestowed with Islamic values other than the western culture. Emirati families can want their child to be acquainted with other cultures and thus choose to send their children to private schools (Hvidman and Andersen 2013). The general, socio economic status of most of the Emirati families are quite good, which leads them to opt for private schools with better facilities. Some private schools have much advanced extracurricular facilities like provision for games such as soccer, basket balls, and dance classes, swimming classes, interactive clubs and more. It can be easily said that public schools will not be able to give their students with such a varied number of facilities other than studies (Mazawi 2017). The Emiratis often face problems with the English language as in most of the Islamic schools, Arabic is used as the medium of instruction and the curriculum is mainly based on the Islamic values (Mazawi 2017). Since, English is an accepted language all over the world and is the medium of instruction for all the official work, knowledge of this language is necessary. According to Ruban (2012) most of the Emirati schools are incapable of providing proper English education. Hence, this can be one of th e important factors which drive the Emirati families towards private schools. According to Mazawi (2017) private schools in Abu Dhabi had outperformed the government schools in several aspects. According to the reports, private school parents have a higher viewpoint about the school quality than the public school parents, in terms of school climate, student learning and school-parent relationships. According to the study conducted by Mckinnon et al. (2013) the cognitive achievement scores of the students in comparison with the students from the public schools have been proven to be higher. In terms of math and science subject the achievement advantage is found to be higher in the private schools in UAE. According to the study conducted by Mckinnon et al. (2013) the cognitive achievement scores of the students in comparison with the students from the public schools have been proven to be higher. In terms of math and science subject the achievement advantage is found to be higher in the private schools in UAE. The national statistics of UAE shows that private schools in UAE have increased from 168 to 473 since 1982 to 2011(Mazawi 2017). Reports show that in the last five years the number of students in the private schools has increased drastically. According to Mckinnon et al. (2013) the two factors that are driving the Emirati parents to admit their wards in private schools can be listed as The influence of the school ambience As per the parents feedback, the private school climates are much healthier than that of the government schools as the parents donate a large amount of money as the tuition fees. Focus on the science subjects- Private schools generally follow an international curriculum that is accepted worldwide and generally emphasize on the pedagogy of science teaching. On the other hand the public schools are mainly based on Islamic teachings and virtues and focus less on science topics (Mckinnon et al. 2013). Conclusion It cannot be said that government schools are not capable of giving proper education to the students, as academic performances depend upon the merit of a persona and not on the type of the school. It can be definitely said that private school cater to the overall development of the child apart from the studies. References Ball, S.J., 2007.Education plc: Understanding private sector participation in public sector education. Routledge. Hvidman, U. and Andersen, S.C., 2013. Impact of performance management in public and private organizations.Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory,24(1), pp.35-58. Iqbal, M., 2012. Public versus private secondary schools: A qualitative comparison.Journal of Research and Reflections in Education,6(1), pp.40-49. Klugman, J., 2012. How resource inequalities among high schools reproduce class advantages in college destinations.Research in Higher Education,53(8), pp.803-830. Lubienski, C.A. and Lubienski, S.T., 2013.The public school advantage: Why public schools outperform private schools. University of Chicago Press. Mazawi, A. ed., 2017.World Yearbook of Education 2010:" Education and the Arab'World': Political Projects, Struggles, and Geometries of Power". Routledge. McKinnon, M., Barza, L. and Moussa-Inaty, J., 2013. Public versus private education in primary science: The case of Abu Dhabi schools.International Journal of Educational Research,62, pp.51-61. Ruban, N.A.B.H., 2012. United Arab Emirates.TIMSS 2011 Encyclopedia, p.961.
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